
Stoicism, or the philosophy of the Stoics, is more than just a term we come across in philosophy books. It’s a way of life, an attitude, and a mindset that can greatly influence our daily actions, reactions, and overall well-being. In this article, we’ll delve deep into the world of the Stoic, explaining its origins, principles, and how it can be applied to modern life.


The Birth of Stoicism

 Ancient Greece and Rome

Originating in Athens, Stoicism was a breath of fresh air during a time of philosophical enlightenment. The Hellenistic period, marked by the conquests and influences of Alexander the Great, was ripe for philosophical thought. Stoicism, with its emphasis on personal virtue and wisdom as the path to true happiness, found its roots in this era.

 The Three Founding Fathers

  • Zeno of Citium: The founder of Stoicism, Zeno began his teachings in the Stoa Poikile, an open market in Athens. His teachings emphasized the importance of cosmic determinism and how human freedom fits into a universe ordered by fate.
  • Seneca: As a statesman and advisor to Emperor Nero, Seneca’s writings provide valuable insights into the Stoic philosophy practiced in the complexities of everyday life. He believed that the foundation of Stoic practice was in our responses to life’s challenges.
  • Epictetus: Born a slave, his teachings emphasized the dichotomy of control. For Epictetus, the key to happiness was recognizing the difference between things we can change and those we cannot.

Core Principles of the Stoic Philosophy

The Dichotomy of Control

One of the primary Stoic teachings is understanding what’s within our control and what isn’t. Stoics believe that by focusing only on what we can influence – our actions, intentions, and emotions – we can achieve tranquillity and peace.

Pursuit of Virtue

To the Stoic, virtue is the highest form of good. This principle is about developing a strong character and moral integrity.

Acceptance of Fate

Stoics believe in accepting things as they come, embracing fate, and understanding that many external events are beyond our control.

Modern Stoicism and Its Relevance

 The Stoic Revival

While ancient in origin, Stoicism has seen a recent revival in the 21st century. Modern Stoics use its principles to combat the challenges of contemporary life – from stress at work to personal hardships.

 Stoicism in Everyday Life

Everyday situations, whether a traffic jam or a disagreement at work, offer opportunities to practice Stoic principles. By internalizing its teachings, we can remain calm, focused, and resilient.

How to Practice Being a Stoic in Today’s World

 Mindfulness and Reflection

One of the essential tools in a Stoic’s toolkit is mindfulness. By being present and reflecting on our actions, we can align them with Stoic values.

Embracing Challenges

Stoicism teaches us that adversity is a chance to practice virtue and resilience. Embracing challenges instead of shying away from them can lead to personal growth.

Journaling as a Stoic Tool

Many Stoic practitioners, including Marcus Aurelius, kept journals to reflect on their day, their feelings, and their progress on the Stoic path. Journaling helps in introspection and in understanding oneself better.

The Benefits of Living as a Stoic

Mental Fortitude

One of the significant benefits of Stoicism is the mental resilience it offers. Stoics tend to be more resilient to stress, anxiety, and life’s unexpected turns.

Improved Relationships

By focusing on what’s within our control and accepting what’s not, we can lead more harmonious lives with those around us.

 A More Fulfilled Life

Stoics find joy in the little things, appreciate the present, and lead lives filled with purpose and meaning.


To be a Stoic is to understand the ebb and flow of life, to accept challenges, to focus on personal virtue, and to live in harmony with the world. It’s a timeless philosophy, as relevant today as it was in ancient Greece and Rome. In embracing Stoicism, we are not only acknowledging a rich history but also equipping ourselves with tools for a richer, more purposeful life.

Asif Malik

I'm a senior editor at, covering all topic like business news and technology. I also co-author the Current on differnt websites and edit the Buesiness Wire weekly-Dollar Startups list.

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