The rise of 'relaxed minimalism

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get lost in the clutter, both mentally and physically. This is where the philosophy of minimalism steps in. Minimalism isn’t just about owning fewer items or living in a stark white environment; it’s a mindset that helps one focus on what truly matters in life.

What is Minimalism?

At its core, minimalism is about simplifying. It’s the art of focusing on the essentials and removing the unnecessary, allowing us to lead a life filled with purpose and clarity. Minimalists prioritize quality over quantity and believe that less can indeed be more.

Key Aspects of Minimalism:

  • Possessions: One of the most common misconceptions is that minimalism strictly pertains to owning a set number of items. While decluttering can be a component, it’s not about counting items. It’s about valuing what you have and eliminating distractions.
  • Mindset: Minimalism extends to thoughts, relationships, and commitments. By decluttering our minds and calendars, we can focus on what truly brings joy and meaning to our lives.

The History of Minimalism

The concept of minimalism is not new. Historically, various cultures and religions, from Buddhism to Zen, have emphasized the virtues of simplicity and detachment from material possessions.

However, in the 20th century, minimalism started to gain traction in the art and design worlds. Artists sought to create works using basic shapes and colors, and architects designed spaces that were simple yet functional.

Benefits of Embracing Minimalism

Living a minimalist lifestyle can provide an array of benefits, both tangible and intangible:

  • Reduced Stress: Fewer possessions mean less maintenance, less cleaning, and fewer decisions about what to wear or use. This can lead to decreased anxiety and stress levels.
  • Financial Freedom: Spending less on unnecessary items can lead to significant savings and even the ability to pay off debts faster.
  • Improved Focus: Without the clutter and distractions, it’s easier to concentrate on tasks, leading to increased productivity.
  • Increased Appreciation: When you have fewer things, you tend to value and appreciate them more.

How to Start Your Minimalism Journey

If you’re considering adopting minimalism, it doesn’t mean you need to toss out all your possessions immediately. Instead, take a gradual approach.

  • Evaluate Your Belongings: Go through your items and ask yourself if they add value to your life. If not, consider donating or selling them.
  • Limit Purchases: Before buying something new, ask yourself if it’s necessary and if it will add meaningful value to your life.
  • Declutter Digital Spaces: This includes clearing out old emails, unsubscribing from unwanted newsletters, and organizing your files.
  • Evaluate Commitments: Look at your calendar and commitments. Are there activities or obligations that no longer serve you? It might be time to let go.

Minimalism in Digital Age

The digital era has brought its own set of challenges to the minimalist lifestyle. Our devices are constantly buzzing with notifications, and there’s an overwhelming amount of information available at our fingertips. However, digital minimalism is becoming increasingly popular.

Digital Minimalism Tips:

  • Limit Social Media: Set specific times during the day when you’ll check social media or consider removing apps from your phone.
  • Use Technology Mindfully: Be intentional about how and when you use technology. This could mean setting specific “offline” times.
  • Declutter Digital Spaces: Regularly clean out your digital spaces, including desktops, downloads, and cloud storage.


Minimalism is more than a passing trend; it’s a way of life that can lead to a deeper connection with oneself and the world around us. By choosing to focus on the essential and letting go of the unnecessary, we create space for growth, peace, and happiness. Whether you’re looking to declutter your home, your mind, or your digital spaces, the principles of minimalism can guide you towards a more meaningful life.

Remember, the journey to minimalism is personal. It’s not about comparing your journey to others but finding what works best for you and embracing the beauty of less.

Asif Malik

I'm a senior editor at, covering all topic like business news and technology. I also co-author the Current on differnt websites and edit the Buesiness Wire weekly-Dollar Startups list.

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