Is NYX Cruelty-Free and Vegan

The beauty industry is often under scrutiny regarding its ethical practices, particularly when it comes to animal testing.The question that often arises alongside it is, is NYX vegan and cruelty-free? Let’s explore these concerns.

Understanding Cruelty-Free and Vegan Cosmetics

Before we delve into NYX’s practices, it’s important to clarify what cruelty-free and vegan mean in the cosmetics industry. Simply put, a cruelty-free product, like the cruelty-free NYX offerings, has not undergone animal testing at any stage of its development. This ensures that NYX makeup is cruelty-free. On the other hand, vegan refers to products without any animal-derived ingredients.

Why Both Matter

Beyond the issue of animal testing, there’s a rising demand for products that are both vegan and cruelty-free. As a brand, NYX positions itself in the center of this demand. So, is NYX makeup cruelty-free? Yes. But are all NYX products cruelty-free and vegan? That’s a slightly different question.

NYX’s Stance on Animal Testing

For those wondering, is NYX cosmetics cruelty-free?, the answer is affirmative.

NYX’s Official Statement

They’ve declared on their website that they do not test their products or ingredients on animals, a claim that assures consumers that NYX makeup is cruelty-free. Moreover, they’ve stated that their suppliers don’t conduct animal tests. This solidifies their position in the list of cruelty-free makeup brands, such as NYX.

Certification from PETA

For many, the golden question is, is NYX cruelty-free PETA approved? As of the last update, NYX was listed as a cruelty-free brand on PETA’s website. This accreditation lends further credibility to the brand’s claims.

NYX’s Range of Products: Is NYX Mascara Cruelty-Free? Is NYX Lipstick Cruelty-Free?

Diving deeper into their product range, products like NYX mascara and NYX lipstick are cruelty-free. The NYX eyeliner is cruelty-free as well. It’s reassuring for consumers to know that across the board, NYX’s commitment stands firm.

Delving Deeper: NYX Cruelty-Free and Vegan Status

While it’s established that NYX is cruelty-free, does it mean that NYX is vegan and cruelty-free across all its products? Not necessarily. While many of NYX’s products are vegan, it’s always a good practice to check product labeling to ensure both criteria are met.

NYX’s Parent Company: L’Oréal

While NYX as an individual brand stands as cruelty-free, its parent company, L’Oréal, has had a more intricate history with animal testing.

The L’Oréal Transition

Historically, L’Oréal was not always on the list of cruelty-free makeup brands like NYX. However, they have made progressive strides towards eliminating animal testing from their processes.

Parent Companies and Ethical Decisions

This presents an ethical conundrum: Is supporting a cruelty-free subsidiary, like NYX, indirectly supporting a larger conglomerate that wasn’t always cruelty-free?


For consumers wondering is NYX a cruelty-free company?, the answer is a clear yes. Their commitment ensures that NYX cosmetics remain cruelty-free. While there’s always room for deeper exploration and understanding, especially when considering parent companies, NYX stands out as a leader in the move towards ethical beauty.


Asif Malik

I'm a senior editor at, covering all topic like business news and technology. I also co-author the Current on differnt websites and edit the Buesiness Wire weekly-Dollar Startups list.

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